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Tourist attractions in the city of Yogyakarta

Yogyakarta is a city located in Central Java, can be also called a student city because many students throughout Indonesia studying in Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta was also once the capital of the country at the time of independence, if you ever see a movie with the title of general attack 1 March 1949 . it was just how important his city of Yogyakarta, a city which is headed by a king, Sultan Hamengku Bawono X, he is also governor of Yogyakarta special region. talk about the attractions in the city of Yogyakarta, there are some famous tourist attraction in yogya

1.Prambanan temple

The first is the Prambanan Temple, the temple is located on the border of the two provinces of Yogyakarta and the province of Central Java, Prambanan Temple is a Hindu temple the largest in Southeast Asia, with a height of 47 meters, this temple also as one of the world cultural heritage and in 1991 by UNESCO , This temple also includes the most magnificent temple in Indonesia, do not forget that to yoqyakarta emotion to this place.

Prambanan Temple's history began in the year 850 AD, was first built by Rakai Pikatan of the Sailendra dynasty who became king of the old Mataram.
Prambanan temple was built in honor of the god Shiva. Prambanan temple was originally called Shiva-grha, which means house of Shiva, and hereinafter also referred to as Shiva-laya, which means the Kingdom of Shiva.

Address Prambanan: Prambanan, Yogyakarta | (0274) 496401

2.Baron Beach

baron beach within 65 km from the center of the city of Yogyakarta. This beach has the charm of a very beautiful panorama. and for those of you who want to eat a variety of seafood here was his place
The baron beach appeal is in its culinary offerings are very tasty sea, we can taste the lobster, snapper, pomfret, tuna and fresh

3.Parangtritis beach

Parangtritis beach is a beautiful beach, with high stone cliffs and black volcanic sand is very beautiful when in the mounting sunshine.according to the stories of local people this beach is a sacred place or shrine, with legends that this beach is the residence of the queen Kanjeng kidul, the ruler of the southern sea coast
famous for its green-colored clothing and pretty famous. for beachgoers banned it hard to use green clothes at the time on this beach

4.Jalan Malioboro

Jalan Malioboro is the name of one of the regions in Yogyakarta, stretches from the monument to the post office intersection Yogyakarta.in this way there are several attractions, including a monument Yogyakarta, train stations monument, grand buildings, markets baringharjo, Vredeburg and 1 March menumen general attack along the way so we can see a variety of attractions.there also said that to Yogya but not to this same road we have yet to yogjakarta.

5. Plaosan Temple

This temple was built at the time of the old Mataram kingdom,Rakai  Panangkaran is the king of the Sailendra dynasty.This temple perbaduan between two cultures Hindu and Buddhists. Plaosan have the power of love between Rakai Pikatan and Pramudya Wardhani. Therefore, it is believed will bring blessings to couples of men and women.

so if interested please go to the temple and ask your partner. These are some of the tourist attractions in Yogyakarta and many other tourist attractions of her please to town yoqyakarta Indonesia

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